
898 lines
42 KiB
Executable File

include __DIR__ . "./../layout/header.php";
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/navigation.php";
include __DIR__ . "/../inc/const.php"; // Konstanten
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/css/navi.css";
global $ladezeit;
include __DIR__ . "/../inc/"; // Funktionen
$link = "<a href='update?id=";
$update = "action=01";
$submit = "action=02";
$link_update = "<a href='update?id=";
$link_submit = "<a href='submit?id=";
$update_person = "who=1";
$update_partner = "who=2";
$row_m = $person;
$m_gender = $person->gender;
$person_id = $person->member_id;
$test = isset($_GET['something']) ? $_GET['something'] : '';
if(isset($_GET['something'])){ $test = $_GET['something'];
} else {
$test = '';
$_SESSION['message'] = "";
$this->is_admin(); // returns true or goto login
// person_id wird gesetzt durch Auswaglfeld oder link (i)
$person_id = getAndSetSession('id', 'person_id', '02');
// who beschreibt was geändert wird (Person, Partner, ..)
$who = getAndSetSession('who', 'who', '1');
// action: update = 1, new = 2
$action = getAndSetSession('action', 'action', '1');
// p_id_p: wird gesetzt duch Selektionsfeld Partner
$p_id = getAndSetSession('p_id', 'p_id', '0');
// id_part_new wird gesetzt duch Selektionsfeld new Partner
$id_part_new = getAndSetSession('id_part_new', 'id_part_new', '13');
// id_part_update wird gesetzt duch Selektionsfeld update Partner
$id_part_update = getAndSetSession('id_part_update', 'id_part_update', '13');
// iss_id wird gesetzt duch Selektionsfeld update Partner
$iss_id = getAndSetSession('iss_id', 'iss_id', '0');
// bem_id wird gesetzt duch Selektionsfeld Bemerkungen
$bem_id = getAndSetSession('bem_id', 'bem_id', '0');
// wird gesetzt duch Selektionsfeld Wohnort
$id_place = getAndSetSession('id_place', 'id_place', '0');
// wird gesetzt duch Selektionsfeld Wohnort
$w_ort_id = getAndSetSession('w_ort_id', 'w_ort_id', '0');
// id_adr: wird gesetzt duch Adresseneingabe
$id_adr = getAndSetSession('id_adr', 'id_adr', '0');
<!-- **************************** Beginn Hauptprogramm *************************-->
<!-- ***************************** Kopfzeile ***********************************-->
<div class="container-fluid" id="myTable">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3 ">
<div class="well well-sm"><?php
$str_label = "Bitte Person wählen: ";
if (!($who == 5)) {
select_person($str_label, $person, $persons);
} else {
echo '<br><b><center>Hier findet Adressenpflege statt</b>'?></center><br> <?php
} ?>
<!-- ********************************* Mittelblock *****************************-->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="well well-sm">
<h4 class="text-center"><?php
switch($person->gender) {
case 1: $icon = "<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>";break;
case 2: $icon = "<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>";break;
case 0: $icon = "<img src='../../img/u.jpg'>";break;
$kopf_daten =array("Personendaten ","Partnerdaten ","Ereignisse ","Wohnorte ","Adressenpflege ","Bemerkungen zu ","User der Datenbank ");
if ($action == 1) { ?>
<h4 class="text-center"><strong><?php echo $kopf_daten[$who-1];
if (!($who == 5)) {
echo $icon." "
.$person->first_name. " ".$person->last_name."</br>"
echo "</strong></h4>";
} else { ?>
<h4 class="text-center"><strong>Neue Daten aufnehmen</strong></h4><?php
} ?>
<!-- ********************************* Rechter Block ***************************-->
<div class="col-sm-3">
<div class="well well-sm">
Stand <?php echo $monatsnamen[$monat]." ".$jahr;?></br>
<p style="background-color:lightgrey;">
$nbm = $nbf = $nbu = 0;
foreach ($persons as $pers) {
switch($pers->gender) {
case 1: $nbm++; break; // man
case 2: $nbf++; break; // woman
case 0: $nbu++; break; // unknown
echo count ($persons)." - "
.$nbm." "."<img src='../../img/m.jpg'> - "
.$nbf." "."<img src='../../img/f.jpg'> - "
.$nbu." "."<img src='../../img/u.jpg'> " ;?>
<!-- ************************* Ende Container Kopfzeile **********************************-->
<!-- ************************* Auswahlfelder **********************************-->
<div class="container-fluid">
<table width="100%">
<strong>action: </strong>
<input type="radio" name="action" id="action" value="01" onchange="submit()" <?php
if ($action == 1) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> /> <?php
if ($action == 1) { echo "<strong><span style=\"color:red\";"."> update</strong>";
} else { echo " update";}?>
<input type="radio" name="action" id="action" value="02" onchange="submit()"<?php
if ($action == 2) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> /><?php
if ($action == 2) { echo "<strong><span style=\"color:red\";"."> new</strong>";
} else { echo " new";}?>
<!-- ************************ Choose Selections *******************************-->
<strong>select: </strong><?php
$select = array("Person","Partner","Ereignisse","Wohnort","Adressen","Bemerkungen","User");
for ($i=1; $i<8; $i++) { ?>
<input type="radio" name="who" id="who" value="<?php echo $i;?>" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($who == $i) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
<?php if ($who == $i) { echo "<strong><span style=\"color:red\";".">".$select[$i-1]."</strong>";}
else { echo $select[$i-1];}
} ?>
<!-- ************************ Ende Auswahlfelder *******************************-->
<?php if (($who == 02)){?>
<h3><strong>Partner von Person</strong></h3>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td> </td><td>G&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;Vor- Nachnamen</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;geb.</td><td><center>&nbsp;∞<center></td><td>&nbsp;Ort</td><td><?php echo "<center>&nbsp;⚮</center>"; ?></td>
$id_no = 0;
if (count($partner) != 0) { ?>
<form name="iss_id" action="update" id="iss_id" method="get"><?php
$id_no = 0; // Zähler für array
foreach ($partner AS $part) {
if ($part->gender == 01) { $tr=$tr1;$gen="m";} else {$tr=$tr2;$gen="f";}
echo $tr."<td>";?>
<input type="radio" name="p_id" id="p_id" value="<?php echo $id_no;?>"<?php
if ($p_id == $id_no) { echo "checked=checked";} ?> onchange="submit()" />&nbsp;</td><?php
$id_no = $id_no + 1;
echo "<td><strong><img src='../../img/".$gen.".jpg'>&nbsp</td>"
."<td>&nbsp<a href='update?id=".$part->member_id."'>"
.$part->first_name." "
.$part->birth_name ."&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>"
.$part->par_von ."&nbsp</td><td>&nbsp;"
.$part->par_ort ."&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>"
.$part->par_devorce ."</td></tr>";
} ?>
} else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="7" style="background-color:lightcyan";>keine Partner eingetragen!</td></tr><?php
$_SESSION['message'] = "Kein Partner eingetragen!";
<!--*************************** Eingabefelder **********************************-->
if ($who == 01) { ?>
<h3><strong>Person bearbeiten</strong></h3>
<!-- <table width="100%">
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td width="100%" valign="top" align="left"></td>
</tr> -->
<!--****************************** Eingabe Person ******************************-->
<form method="post">
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td>Selection (who) </td><td>Member ID</td><td>gender</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="text" name="who" id="who"
value="<?php echo $who;?>" size="4" readonly ></td>
<td><input type="text" name="member_id" id="member_id"
value="<?php echo $row_m->member_id; ?>" size="4" readonly ></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="gender" id="gender" size="4"
value="01" <?php if ($m_gender == 01) {
echo "checked=\"checked\""; } ?> /> male &nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="gender" id="gender" size="4"
value="02" <?php if ($m_gender == 02) {
echo "checked=\"checked\""; } ?> /> female</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="parent_id" id="parent_id"
value='999' <?php if ($row_m->parent_id == 999) {
echo "checked=\"checked\""; } ?>/>&nbsp;parent</td>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td>first name</td><td>last name</td><td>birth name</td><td>member image</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->first_name;}?>" placeholder="first name" size="20%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->last_name;}?>" placeholder="last name" size="20%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="birth_name" id="birth_name"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->birth_name;}?>" placeholder="birth name" size="20%" />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="member_img" id="member_img"
value="<?php if ($action == 01) {
echo $row_m->member_img;}?>" placeholder="img-no" size="40%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td> * </td><td>in </td><td> † </td><td> in </td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="day_of_birth" id="day_of_birth"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->day_of_birth;}?>" placeholder="day" /></td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="place_of_birth" id="place_of_birth"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->place_of_birth;}?>" placeholder="place" size="15%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><strong> </strong>
<input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="day_of_death" id="day_of_death"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->day_of_death; }?>" placeholder="day of death" /></td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="place_of_death" id="place_of_death"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->place_of_death;}?>" placeholder="place" size="15%"/></td>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td colspan="3">remarks</td>
<td colspan="3">
<input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="remarks" id="remarks"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $row_m->remarks;}?>" placeholder="remarks" size="80%" /></td>
<strong><span style="margin-left:10px;"></strong>
<input style="background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="submit"
value="<?php if ($action == 01) { echo "update";
} else { echo "submit";}?>"/></td>
<!-- Ende Tabelle innerhalb Form -->
</form><!-- ***** Ende Form Personeneingabe -->
<!-- ********************** Eltern auswählen ********************************-->
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="row">
<!-- links -->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="well well-sm">
<p style="background-color:lightcyan;font-weight: bold;"><?php echo "Bitte Daten der Eltern von ".$person['first_name']." wählen!"?></p>
<!-- Auswahl Vater und Mutter -->
$m_f = $person->father_id;
if ($m_f == 0) {
$m_f = 13;
$str_label = "Vater unbekannt!";
} else {
$str_label = "<a href='update?id=".$m_f."'><strong>Link zum Vater: ID=".$m_f."</a>";
$str_select_name ="va_id";
$gender = 1;
$m_f = select_parents($persons, $str_label, $str_select_name, $m_f, $gender);?>
<td> <?php
$m_m = $person->mother_id;
if ($m_m == 0) {
$m_m = 13;
$str_label = "Mutter unbekannt!";
} else {
$str_label = "<a href='update?id=".$m_m."'><strong>Link zur Mutter: ID=".$m_m."</a>";
$str_select_name ="ma_id";
$gender = 2;
$m_m = select_parents($persons, $str_label, $str_select_name, $m_m, $gender);?>
<!-- ****************** Partnerdaten anzeigen **********************-->
<!-- rechts -->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="well well-sm">
<p style="background-color:lightcyan;font-weight: bold;"><?php echo "Daten des Partners von ".$person['first_name'];?></p>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td> </td><td>G&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;Vor- Nachnamen</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;geb.</td><td><center>&nbsp;∞<center></td><td>&nbsp;Ort</td><td><?php echo "<center>&nbsp;⚮</center>"; ?></td>
$id_no = 0;
if (count($partner) != 0) { ?>
<form name="iss_id" action="update" id="iss_id" method="get"><?php
$id_no = 0; // Zähler für array
foreach ($partner AS $part) {
if ($part->gender == 01) { $tr=$tr1;$gen="m";} else {$tr=$tr2;$gen="f";}
echo $tr."<td>";?>
<input type="radio" name="p_id" id="p_id" value="<?php echo $id_no;?>"<?php
if ($p_id == $id_no) { echo "checked=checked";} ?> onchange="submit()" />&nbsp;</td><?php
$id_no = $id_no + 1;
echo "<td><strong><img src='../../img/".$gen.".jpg'>&nbsp</td>"
."<td>&nbsp<a href='update?id=".$part->member_id."'>"
.$part->first_name." "
.$part->birth_name ."&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>"
.$part->par_von ."&nbsp</td><td>&nbsp;"
.$part->par_ort ."&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>"
.$part->par_devorce ."</td></tr>";
} ?>
} else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="7" style="background-color:lightcyan";>keine Partner eingetragen!</td></tr><?php
$_SESSION['message'] = "Kein Partner eingetragen!";
} // end who=1 ?>
<!-- ************************** Ende Person bearbeiten *************************-->
<!-- ******************** Begin Partner ****************************************-->
<div> <?php
$bol_submit = 0;
if ($who == 02) {
$_SESSION['message'] = "Update Partner!";
if (($action == 01) AND (count($partner) == 0)) {
$_SESSION['message'] = "Message: kein Partner eingetragen!";
if ($action == 2) {
foreach ($partner as $par) {
if (($par['man_id']==$id_part_new) OR ($par['woman_id']==$id_part_new)) {
$bol_submit = 1;
$_SESSION['message'] = "Partner bereits eingetragen!";
if ($person->member_id == $id_part_new) {
$_SESSION['message'] = "Partner muss ungleich Person sein!";
$bol_submit = 1;
$_SESSION['message'] = "Insert new Partner!";
$str_label = "PartnerIn: (new)";
$str_get_id = "id_part_update";
<form method="post">
<h3><strong>Partnerdaten bearbeiten</strong></h3>
<td colspan="4" style="background-color:lightcyan;font-weight:bold;"><?php echo "Bitte Daten des Partners von ".$person['first_name']." eingeben!"?></td>
<td>selection (who)&nbsp;</td><td>update id</td><td>member id</td><td>woman_id</td><td>married on ⚮</td><td>place</td><td>date ∞ </td>
<td><input type="text" name="who" id="who"
value="<?php echo $who;?>" size="4" readonly ></td>
<td><input type="text" name="par_id" id="par_id"
value="<?php if (count($partner)!=0) {if ($action == 01){echo $partner["$p_id"]["par_id"];}}?>" size="10%" readonly >&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="man_id" id="man_id"
value="<?php if (count($partner)!=0) { if ($action == 01){echo $partner["$p_id"]["man_id"];}}
if (($action == 02) AND ($m_gender == 1)) {echo $person_id;}
if (($action == 02) AND ($m_gender == 2)) {echo $id_part_new;}?>" placeholder="man_id" size="10%" readonly />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="woman_id" id="woman_id"
value="<?php if (count($partner)!=0) { if ($action == 01){echo $partner["$p_id"]["woman_id"];}}
if (($action == 02) AND ($m_gender == 2)) {echo $person_id;}
if (($action == 02) AND ($m_gender == 1)) {echo $id_part_new;}?>" placeholder="wom_id" size="10%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="par_von" id="par_von"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $partner["$p_id"]["par_von"];}?>" placeholder="date" size="20%" />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="par_ort" id="par_ort"
value="<?php if (count($partner)!=0) { if ($action == 01){echo $partner["$p_id"]["par_ort"];}}?>" placeholder="ort" size="20%" />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="par_devorce" id="par_devorce"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $partner["$p_id"]["par_devorce"];}?>" placeholder="date" size="20%" />&nbsp;</td>
if ($bol_submit == 0) { ?>
<td style="background-color:lightcyan";>
<input style="background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="submit"
value="<?php if ($action == 01) {
if (count($partner)!=0) {
echo "update";} else { echo "no update possible";}
} else { echo "submit";}?>"/>
</td> <?php
} else { ?>
<td style="background-color:red";>
<input style="background-color:yellow;" type="text" name=""
value="<?php if ($action == 01) {
echo "update gesperrt!";
} else {
echo "submit gesperrt!";}?>"/></td>
} ?>
if ($action == 02) {
$str_label = "new partner: ";
$str_get_id = "id_part_new";
select_partner($persons, $str_label, $str_get_id, $id_part_new);
} ?>
<!-- *************************** Ende td linke Seite ***************************-->
<!-- ************************** Beginn Ereignisse ******************************-->
if (($who == 03)) {
$_SESSION['message'] = "Update issues or insert new!"; ?>
<h3><strong>Ereignisse bearbeiten</strong></h3>
<!-- <tr style="font-weight:bold; background-color:lightgrey"> -->
<?php echo $tr0;?>
</tr><?php //felder_ereignisse();
$id_no = 0; ?>
<form name="iss_id" action="update" id="iss_id" method="get"><?php
$id_no = 0; // Zähler für array
foreach ($ereignisse AS $key => $issue) {
echo $tr0;?>
<input type="radio" name="iss_id" id="iss_id" value="<?php echo $id_no;?>"<?php
if ($iss_id == $id_no) { echo "checked=checked";} ?> onchange="submit()" />&nbsp;
$id_no = $id_no + 1;
foreach ($issue AS $key1 => $data) {
echo "<td>&nbsp".$data."&nbsp;</td>";
echo "</tr>";
} ?>
<form method="post">
<td></td><td>ID &nbsp;</td><td>Member ID</td><td></td><td>date</td><td>issue</td>
<td><input type="hidden" name="who" id="who"
value="<?php echo $who; ?>" size="10%" readonly/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="issue_id" id="issue_id"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $ereignisse["$iss_id"]["issue_id"];}?>" size="10%" readonly >&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="text" name="member_id" id="member_id"
value="<?php echo $row_m->member_id; ?>" size="10%" readonly/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="hidden" name="member_id_f" id="member_id_f"
if ($action == 01){
echo $ereignisse["$iss_id"]["member_id_f"];
} else {
echo $person_id;}?>" placeholder="member_id" size="10%" readonly />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="issue_date" id="issue_date"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $ereignisse["$iss_id"]["issue_date"];}?>" placeholder="date" size="10%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; "width:100%"; type="text" name="issue" id="issue"
value="<?php if (count($ereignisse)!=0) {
if ($action == 01){
echo $ereignisse["$iss_id"]["issue"];}}?>" placeholder="issue" size="70%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="submit"
value="<?php if ($action == 01) {
if (count($ereignisse)!=0) {
echo "update";} else { echo "no update possible";}
} else {
echo "submit";}?>"/></td>
} // dauerhafte Anzeige ?>
<!-- ***************************** Ende Ereignisse *****************************-->
<!-- ***************************** Beginn Wohnorte *****************************-->
$person_id = $person->member_id;
if (($who == 04)) {
$_SESSION['message'] = "Update place or insert new!"; ?>
<h3><strong>Wohnorte bearbeiten</strong></h3>
<tr style="font-weight: bold; background-color:lightgrey">
<td>s &nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;ort</td><td>&nbsp;von</td><td>&nbsp;bis</td><td>&nbsp;m</td><td>&nbsp;adr</td>
$id_o_no = 0; ?>
<form name="w_ort_id" action="update" id="w_ort_id" method="get"><?php
//$id_o_no = 0; // Zähler für array
$felder_wohnort = "";
$anzahl = count($wohnorte); // Anzahl Wohnorte
echo "Anzahl Wohnorte: ".$anzahl ."<br";
$felder_wohnorte = "";
$orte = array();
$wohnort = array();
if ($anzahl != 0) { // Anzahl > 0 dann
foreach ($wohnorte as $mem) {
$bis = $mem->ort_bis;
if ($bis==0) {$bis = "heute"; }
$wohnort = [
'ort_id' => $mem->ort_id,
'ort_von' => $mem->ort_von,
'ort_bis' => $bis, //$mem->ort_bis,
'member_id_f' => $mem->member_id_f,
'adr_id_f' => $mem->adr_id_f,
'adr_plz' => $mem->adr_plz,
'adr_ort' => $mem->adr_ort,
'adr_strasse' => $mem->adr_strasse];
$orte[] = $wohnort;
$id_o_no = 0; ?>
<form name="w_ort_id" action="update" id="w_ort_id" method="get"><?php
$id_o_no = 0; // Zähler für array
if ($anzahl != 0) { // Anzahl > 0 dann auslesen
foreach ($orte AS $key => $ort) {
echo $tr0;?>
<input type="radio" name="w_ort_id" id="w_ort_id" value="<?php echo $id_o_no;?>"<?php
if ($w_ort_id == $id_o_no) {
echo "checked=checked";} ?> onchange="submit()" />
$id_o_no = $id_o_no +1;
foreach ($ort AS $key1 => $data) {
echo "<td>&nbsp;".$data."&nbsp;</td>";
echo "</tr>";
} else {
echo $tr0 . "<td colspan=\"4\"> Keine Wohnorte erfasst!</td></tr>";
} ?>
if ($action == 2) {
$str_label="neuer Ort: ";
select_adress($adressen, $id_place, $str_label);
} ?>
<form method="post">
<td>Select (who)&nbsp;</td><td>id</td><td>member_id_f</td><td>adr_id</td><td>von</td><td>bis</td>
<td><input type="text" name="who" id="who"
value="<?php echo $who; ?>" size="5%" readonly/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="ort_id" id="ort_id"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $orte["$w_ort_id"]["ort_id"];}?>" size="5%" readonly >&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="text" name="member_id_f" id="member_id_f"
if ($action == 01){
echo $orte["$w_ort_id"]["member_id_f"];}
else {
echo $person_id;}?>" placeholder="member_id" size="10%" readonly />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="number" name="adr_id_f" id="adr_id_f" type="number" min="1" max="999"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $orte["$w_ort_id"]["adr_id_f"];}
echo $id_place;}?>" placeholder="adr" size="10%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="ort_von" id="ort_von"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $orte["$w_ort_id"]["ort_von"];}?>" placeholder="date" size="10%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="ort_bis" id="ort_bis"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $orte["$w_ort_id"]["ort_bis"];}?>" placeholder="date" size="10%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="submit"
value="<?php if ($action == 01) {
if (count($orte) != 0 ){echo "update";}}
else {echo "submit";}?>"/></td>
} // Ende $felder_wohnorte ?>
<!-- ***************************** Ende Wohnorte *******************************-->
<!-- ***************************** Beginn Adressen *****************************-->
if (($who == 05)) {
$_SESSION['message'] = "Update adress or insert new!"; ?>
<h3><strong>Adressen bearbeiten</strong></h3>
<form method="post">
<td>Select (who)&nbsp;</td><td>adr id</td><td>PLZ</td><td>Ort</td><td>Land</td><td>Str</td><td>&nbsp; </td>
<td><input type="text" name="who" id="who"
value="<?php echo $who; ?>" size="5%" readonly/></td>
<td><!--<strong>id = </strong></td> -->
<input type="text" name="adr_id" id="adr_id"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $adressen["$id_adr"]["adr_id"];}?>" size="5%" readonly >&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="adr_plz" id="adr_plz"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $adressen["$id_adr"]["adr_plz"];}?>" placeholder="plz" size="5%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="adr_ort" id="adr_ort"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $adressen["$id_adr"]["adr_ort"];}?>" placeholder="ort" size="20%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="adr_land" id="adr_land"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $adressen["$id_adr"]["adr_land"];}?>" placeholder="country" size="20%"/>&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="text" name="adr_strasse" id="adr_strasse"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $adressen["$id_adr"]["adr_strasse"];}?>" placeholder="str" size="30%" />&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan = "4"></td>
<td><input style="background-color:yellow"; type="submit" name="submit"
value="<?php if ($action == 01) { echo "update";} else { echo "submit";}?>"/></td>
<tr style="font-weight: bold; background-color:lightgrey;">
<td>&nbsp; </td><td>&nbsp;id &nbsp;</td><td>PLZ&nbsp;</td><td>Ort&nbsp;</td><td>Strasse&nbsp;</td><td>Land&nbsp;</td><td>phone</td>
// adressen();
$id_a_no = 0; ?>
<form name="id_adr" action="update" id="id_adr" method="get"><?php
$id_a_no = 0; // Zähler für array
foreach ($adressen AS $key => $adr) { ?>
<td><input type="radio" name="id_adr" id="id_adr" value="<?php echo $id_a_no;?>"<?php
if ($id_adr == $id_a_no) { echo "checked=checked";} ?> onchange="submit()" />
$id_a_no = $id_a_no + 1;
foreach ($adr AS $key1 => $data) {
echo "<td>&nbsp;".$data."&nbsp;</td>";
} ?>
} ?>
<!-- ************************** Ende Adressen bearbeiten ***********************-->
<!-- ************************** Beginn Bemerkungen bearbeiten ******************-->
if ($who == 06) {
if ($action == 1) {$_SESSION['message'] = "Update remarks";} else {
$_SESSION['message'] = "insert new remark";} ?>
<h3><strong>Bemerkungen zu Person bearbeiten</strong></h3>
<form method="post">
<td>Select (who)&nbsp;</td><td>id</td><td>rem id</td><td>id_f</td><td>date</td><td>remark</td><td>erledigt</td>
<td><input type="text" name="who" id="who"
value="<?php echo $who; ?>" size="5%" readonly/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="member_id" id="member_id"
value="<?php echo $row_m->member_id; ?>" size="5%" readonly />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="text" name="rem_id" id="rem_id"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){
echo $bemerkungen["$bem_id"]["rem_id"];}?>" size="5%" readonly >&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="text" name="member_id_f" id="member_id_f" value="<?php
if ($action == 01){
echo $bemerkungen["$bem_id"]["member_id_f"];
} else {
echo $person_id;}?>" placeholder="member_id_f" size="5%" readonly />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; type="date" name="rem_date" id="rem_date"
value="<?php if ($action == 01){echo $bemerkungen["$bem_id"]["rem_date"];}?>" placeholder="date" size="15%" />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; style="width:100%" type="text" name="rem_remark" id="rem_remark"
if ($action == 01){
if (count($bemerkungen)!=0) {
echo $bemerkungen["$bem_id"]["rem_remark"];}}?>" placeholder="remark" size="70%" />&nbsp;</td>
<td><input style="background-color:lightyellow"; style="width:100%" type="text" name="rem_erl" id="rem_erl"
if ($action == 01){
if (count($bemerkungen)!=0) {
echo $bemerkungen["$bem_id"]["rem_erl"];}}?>" placeholder="erl" size="5%" />&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="4"></td>
<td><input style="background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="submit"
value="<?php if ($action == 01) {
if (count($bemerkungen)!=0) {
echo "update";}else {echo "update not possible";}
} else { echo "submit";}?>"/></td>
<tr style="font-weight:bold; background-color:lightgrey">
$id_no = 0;
$person_id = $person->member_id; ?>
<form name="bem_id" action="update" id="bem_id" method="get"><?php
$id_no = 0; // Zähler für array
foreach ($bemerkungen AS $key => $issue) {
echo $tr0; ?>
<td><input type="radio" name="bem_id" id="bem_id" value="<?php echo $id_no;?>"<?php
if ($bem_id == $id_no) { echo "checked=checked";} ?> onchange="submit()" /></td><?php
$id_no = $id_no +1;
foreach ($issue AS $key1 => $data) {
echo "<td>&nbsp;".$data."&nbsp;</td>";
echo "</tr>";
} ?>
} ?>
</td> <!-- Ende rechte Seite -->
</table><!-- Ende Tabelle Eingabefelder Haupt-Tabelle-->
if ($who == 7) {?>
<h3><strong>User bearbeiten (nur für admin)</strong></h3>
<!-- ****************************** Ende Eingaben *******************************-->
<!-- ***************************************************************************-->
<!-- ******************************* Kinder und Geschwister ********************-->
<!-- *********************** Beginn Block *******************************-->
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="row">
<!-- links -->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="well well-sm">
<p style="background-color:lightcyan;font-weight: bold;"><?php echo "Kinder von ".$person['first_name']." (Person)"?></p>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td>G&nbsp;</td><td>Vor- Nachname&nbsp;</td><td>geb.&nbsp;</td>
if (count($children) != 0) {
$id = $person->member_id;
} else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="5" style="background-color:lightcyan";>kein Kind eingetragen!</td></tr><?php
<!-- ****************** Partnerdaten anzeigen **********************-->
<!-- rechts -->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="well well-sm">
<p style="background-color:lightcyan;font-weight: bold;"><?php echo "Geschwister von ".$person['first_name']." (Person)"?></p>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td>G&nbsp</td><td>Vor- Nachname</td><td>geb.</td>
if (count($siblings) != 0) {
$id = $person->member_id;
} else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="3" style="background-color:lightcyan";>keine Ereignisse eingetragen!</td></tr><?php
} ?>
<!-- *********************** Blockende ***********************************************-->
<!-- *********************** A D M I N *****************************************-->
<!-- *** D E B U G wird nur angezeigt wenn $bol_debug = true ( in const.php)****-->
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="well well-sm">
<p style="background-color:lightcyan";><?php echo "SESSION: ".$_SESSION['message']; ?></p><?php
echo "Person: ".$person_id."; who: ".$who."; action ".$action."; Partner-No: ".$p_id
."; Neuer Partner: ".$id_part_new."; Update Partner: ".$id_part_update."; Tab-Pos.: ".$iss_id
."; Bemerkungen ".$bem_id."; Adresse: ".$id_place."; Wohnorte-Tab.: ".$w_ort_id."; Adresse: ".$id_adr."; ";?>
<!-- *** D E B U G wird nur angezeigt wenn $bol_debug = true ( in const.php)****-->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="well well-sm"><?php
if ($bol_debug == true) { ?>
<p style="background-color:lightcyan";><?php echo "Debug Info: "; ?></p><?php
echo "GET: "; var_dump($_GET);
echo "SESSION: "; var_dump($_SESSION);
if ($who == 2) {
echo "id_part_new: ".$id_part_new." - &nbsp;"
."person_id: ".$person->member_id." - &nbsp;"
."person_gender: ".$person->gender."</br>";
echo "bol_submit: ".$bol_submit. "</br>";
include __DIR__ . "/../js/hochschieben.js"; // Navigation nach oben schieben
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/footer_einfach.php";