
448 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

include __DIR__ . "/../layout/header.php";
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/navigation.php";
include __DIR__ . "/../inc/const.php"; // Konstanten
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/css/navi.css";
include __DIR__ ."../../layout/css/css_screen.css"; ?>
global $ladezeit;
$name = ""; // Current name (for groups of last name)
$nbp = 0; // Number of people
$nbf = 0; // Number of females
$nbm = 0; // Number of males
$nbu = 0; // Number of unknown
function remarks($remarks) {
$anz = count($remarks);
$bol_first = false;
$m_id = "";
foreach($remarks AS $remark):
if ($remark->member_id_f <> $m_id){$bol_first = false;}
if ($bol_first == false){
$m_id = $remark->member_id_f;
if ($remark->member_id == $m_id) {
$link = "<a href=\"remarks?id="
.$remark->member_id ."\">"
.$remark->last_name. ", "
.$remark->first_name ."</a>";
if ($remark->gender == 1) {
$icon = "<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>";
} else {
$icon = "<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>";
} ?>
<div class="col-md-12"><?php
if ($bol_first == false) {
echo "<hr>";
echo $icon." ";
echo $link;
$bol_first = true;
} ?>
<li> <?php
echo "<b>".date_german($remark->rem_date).": </b>".$remark->rem_remark;?>
} ?>
function familie($parents,$partners,$children_all) {
$anz = count($parents);
$i = 0;
$nbm = $nbf = $nbu = 0;
$ehen = array();
for ($i = 0; $i <= $anz-1; $i++) { // alle Eltern
$link = "<a href=\"baum?anz=4&id=";
switch($parents[$i]->gender) {
case 1: $icon = "<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>"; $gen = 1; $nbm++; break;
case 2: $icon = "<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>"; $gen = 2; $nbf++; break;
case 0: $icon = "<img src='../../img/u.jpg'>"; $gen = 0; $nbu++; break;
echo $link.$parents[$i]->member_id;?>"><?php
echo "<h1>".$icon." ".$parents[$i]->first_name." "
if ($gen == 2) {
echo ", geb. ".$parents[$i]->birth_name."</h1></a>";
} else { echo "</h1></a>"; } ?>
<div class='bd'><b> *</b><?php
echo $parents[$i]["day_of_birth"],"&nbsp;&nbsp;"; //." in "
$day = $parents[$i]["day_of_death"];
//$place = $parents[$i]["place_of_death"];
if (($day >= 1)) {echo "<b> †</b>".$parents[$i]["day_of_death"];} ?>
<div style="margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px">
Vater: <img src='../../img/m.jpg'><?php
if ($parents[$i]->m_member_id!==NULL) {
echo $link.$parents[$i]->m_member_id;?>"><?php
echo " ".$parents[$i]->m_first_name.
" ".$parents[$i]->m_last_name."</a> <b> &nbsp;&nbsp; *</b>"
if ($parents[$i]->m_day_of_death >= 1 ) {
echo "<b> &nbsp&nbsp †</b>"
Mutter: <img src='../../img/f.jpg'><?php
if ($parents[$i]->f_member_id!==NULL) {
echo $link.$parents[$i]->f_member_id;?>"><?php
echo " ".$parents[$i]->f_first_name.
" "//.$parents[$i]->f_last_name."</a>, geb. "
.$parents[$i]->f_birth_name." "."</a><b> &nbsp;&nbsp; *</b>"
if ($parents[$i]->f_day_of_death >= 1) {
echo "<b> &nbsp&nbsp †</b>"
<!-- ********************** Partner anzeigen *****************************-->
<div style="margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px"><?php
$mo = $von = $ort = "";
$fa = $parents[$i]->first_name; // Person
foreach ($partners[$i] as $part) {
if ($part->gender == 1) {$icon = "<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>";} else {$icon = "<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>";}?>
Partner: <?php echo $icon.$link.$part->member_id;?>"><?php // Partnername
echo " ".$part->first_name." ".$part->last_name."</a>";
if ($part->birth_name != "") { echo ", geb. ".$part->birth_name;} // Geburtsname
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp; * ".$part->day_of_birth;
if ($part->day_of_death >= 1) {echo "<b> &nbsp&nbsp † </b>".$part->day_of_death;}
echo "</br>";
if ($part->par_devorce != "0000-00-00") {
$bis = " - <b>geschieden</b> am ".$part->par_devorce;}
else {$bis = "";}
$str_ehe = "<b>⚮</b> am ".$part->par_von." in ".$part->par_ort.$bis."<br>";?>
<div class="enfant"><?php
echo $str_ehe; // Ausgabe Partner
$n = 0; // Anzahl Kinder zählen
foreach ($children_all[$i] as $child) {
if (($child->mother_id == $part->member_id) OR ($child->father_id == $part->member_id)){
$mo = $part->first_name; // Mother
echo "<b>".$fa."</b> und <b>".$mo. "</b> haben <b>".$n." Kind(er)</b><br/>";
$k = 1; // 1. Kind
foreach ($children_all[$i] as $child) {
if (($child->mother_id == $part->member_id) OR ($child->father_id == $part->member_id)){
if ($child->gender == 1) {$icon = "<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>";}
else {$icon = "<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>";}
echo "<tr><td>".$k."&nbsp;&nbsp;".$icon;
echo $link.$child->member_id;?>"><?php
echo " ".$child->first_name."</td><td>".
" ".$child->last_name."</a></td><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp; * </b>"
if ($child->day_of_death >= 1) {
echo "<td><b> &nbsp&nbsp † </b>"
echo "</br></tr>";
//echo "</table>";?>
echo $anz." Personen (";?>
<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>: <?php echo " ".$nbm;?>
<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>: <?php echo " ".$nbf;?>
<img src='../../img/u.jpg'>: <?php echo " ".$nbu. ")";
function personen($persons) {
$i = 0;
foreach($persons AS $rs): ?>
<div class="col-md-6"> <?php
if ($rs->gender == 1) {$icon = "<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>";}
else {$icon = "<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>";}
echo $icon." ";
$link = "<a href=\"familienblatt?id="
. $rs->member_id ."\">"
. $rs->last_name. ", "
. $rs->first_name ."</a>";
echo $link; ?>
<?php if (isset($rs["day_of_birth"])) { ?>
<div class="col-md-6">
if ($rs->day_of_birth != 0) {
echo $rs->day_of_birth; } else {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;?
if (isset($rs->day_of_death)) {
if ($rs->day_of_death >= 1) {
echo "&nbsp; - &nbsp;".$rs->day_of_death; }
} ?>
</li> <?php
echo "<tr><td>Es wurden ".$i." Personen gezählt.</td></tr>";?>
function personen_baum($persons){ //Namenliste als Link zur Baumdarstellung
$name = "";
$nbp = $nbm = $nbf = $nbu = 0; // Anzahl = 0
foreach ($persons as $person) {
if($person->last_name != $name) {
$name = $person->last_name;?>
<div class="nom" ><?php echo $name ;?> </div><?php
switch($person->gender) {
case 1: $icon = "<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>"; $nbm++; break;
case 2: $icon = "<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>"; $nbf++; break;
case 0: $icon = "<img src='../../img/u.jpg'>"; $nbu++; break;
//$doc = "<img src='../../img/nopic.jpg'>";
$photo = "<img src='../../img/nopic.jpg'>";
$photo = "<img src='../../photos/".$person->member_img."' width='12' height='16'>";
//$bdate = $person->day_of_birth; ?>
<div class="col-md-6"><?php
//echo "$doc.$photo&nbsp";
echo "$photo&nbsp";
echo $icon ?> <a href="baum?anz=4&id=<?php echo $person->member_id; ?>">
<?php echo $person->first_name." ".$person->last_name; ?></a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<?php //echo $person->day_of_birth;
if ($person->day_of_birth != 0) {
echo $person->day_of_birth; } else {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";}
if (isset($person->day_of_death)) {
if ($person->day_of_death != 0) {
echo "&nbsp; - &nbsp;".$person->day_of_death; }
</div> <?php
} ?>
<span><?php echo count ($persons)." Personen - davon "
.$nbm." "."<img src='../../img/m.jpg'> - "
.$nbf." "."<img src='../../img/f.jpg'> - "
.$nbu." "."<img src='../../img/u.jpg'> " ;?>
function paare($couples) { //Liste der Verheirateten
global $td0, $td1, $td2;?>
<table style="margin-left:50px">
<tr><td colspan="3"><strong><h4><strong>Liste der Verheirateten / Partnerschaften</strong></h4></strong></td></tr>
<?php echo $td1 ?> <center><img src='../../img/m.jpg'></center></td><td>
<?php echo $td2 ?> <center><img src='../../img/f.jpg'></center></td><td>
<?php echo $td0 ?> <strong>Mädchenname</strong></td>
$i = 0;
foreach ($couples as $par) {?>
<td style="padding:2px; padding-right:10px";><?php //echo $par['m_member_id']." ";?>
<a href="baum?anz=4&id=<?php echo $par['m_member_id']; ?>"><?php
echo $par['m_last_name'].", ".$par['m_first_name'] ?>
<td style="padding:2px; padding-right:10px";>
<a href="baum?anz=4&id=<?php echo $par['f_member_id']; ?>"> <?php
echo $par['f_first_name']." "//.$par['f_last_name']?></a>
<td>geb. <?php
echo $par['f_birth_name']; ?>
echo "<tr><td>Es wurden ".$i." Paare gezählt.</td></tr>";?>
<?php } ?>
<!-- ***************************************************-->
<div class="container-fluid" id="myTable">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="well well-sm"><?php
//echo "</br></br>";
if (!isset($zeichen)) {$zeichen = "alle";}
//if (!isset($liste)) {$liste = 1;}?>
<form name="eingabe" action="showlist" method="get">
<input style="background-color:lightgrey;" type="submit"
value="Wähle Liste: "/>
<strong> &nbspledige<img src='../../img/m.jpg'><input type="radio" name="liste" value="1" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($liste == 1) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
&nbsp&nbspledige <img src='../../img/f.jpg'><input type="radio" name="liste" value="2" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($liste == 2) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
&nbsp&nbspverh/gesch <input type="radio" name="liste" value="3" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($liste == 3) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> />
&nbsp&nbspEltern<input type="radio" name="liste" value="4" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($liste == 4) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> />
&nbsp&nbspPersonen (gruppiert)<input type="radio" name="liste" value="5" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($liste == 5) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> />
&nbsp&nbspFamilen<input type="radio" name="liste" value="6" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($liste == 6) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> />
&nbsp&nbspAnmerkungen<input type="radio" name="liste" value="7" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($liste == 7) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> />
$alphabet = array(); // leeres array
$alphabet[] = 'alle'; // erster Eintrag
$buchstabe_e = "";
foreach ($persons as $pers) {
$name = $pers->last_name;
$buchstabe = ucfirst(substr($name,0,1)); // 1. Buchstabe des Namens
if ($buchstabe != $buchstabe_e) { // schon im array ?
$alphabet[] = $buchstabe;
$buchstabe_e = $buchstabe;
} ?>
<form name="zeichen" action="showlist" method="get">
<input style="background-color:lightgrey;" type="submit"
value="Anfangsbuchstabe: "/><strong><?php
foreach ($alphabet as $buchstaben){
echo "&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp".$buchstaben;?>
<input type="radio" name="zeichen" value="<?php echo $buchstaben;?>"<?php
if ($zeichen == $buchstaben) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> onchange="submit();"/><?php
} ?>
<?php //echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ladezeit: ".$ladezeit." ";?>
<!--***************************** Ende Kopfbereich *****************************-->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6 ">
<div class="well well-sm">
<tr><td colspan="3"><?php
switch($liste) {
case 1:
echo "<h4><strong>Liste aller unverheirateten Männer!</strong></h4>";?>
<ul > <?php
case 2:
echo "<h4><strong>Liste aller unverheirateten Frauen!</strong></h4>";?>
<ul > <?php
case 3:
//echo "<strong>Liste aller verheirateten oder geschiedenen Paare!</strong>";
case 4:
//eltern(); ?>
<td colspan="3"><h4><strong>Liste aller Personen und Eltern (Link zum Stammbaum)</strong></h4></td>
<?php echo $td0 ?> <strong>Person</strong></td>
<?php echo $td1 ?> <center><img src='../../img/m.jpg'></center></td>
<?php echo $td2 ?> <center><img src='../../img/f.jpg'></center></td>
</tr> <?php
$i = 1;
foreach ($parents as $parent => $pers) { ?>
<tr><td style="padding-right: 10px">
<a href="baum?anz=4&id=<?php echo $pers->member_id; ?>"><?php
echo $i." ".
$pers->first_name. " ".
$pers->last_name. "</td><td style=\"padding-right: 10px\">".
$pers->m_first_name. " ".
$pers->m_last_name. " </td><td>".
$pers->f_first_name. " ".
$pers->f_last_name. "</br>";?>
} ?>
case 5:
echo "<h4><strong>Personen mit Link zum Stammbaum - Anfangbuchstabe (".$zeichen.")</strong></h4>";
case 6:
echo "<strong>Personen (nach Alter) mit Link zum Familienblatt - Anfangbuchstabe (".$zeichen.")</strong>";
case 7:
echo "<h4><strong>Anmerkungen zu Personen</strong></h4>";
//remarks($remarks, $persons);
echo '<strong>Du hast vergessen eine Liste auszuwählen.';
} ?>
<!-- ***************************** rechte Seite ********************************-->
<div class="col-sm-6 " >
<div class="well well-sm">
<strong><h4><strong>Personen (nach Alter) mit Link zum Familienblatt - Buchstabe <?php echo "(".$zeichen.")"?></strong></h4></strong>
<ul > <?php
<div class="container">
<div class="starter-template"></div>
<!-- Abschluss <div> aus Navigation-->
include __DIR__ . "/../js/hochschieben.js"; // Navigation nach oben schieben
//$t_footer = 1000;
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/footer_einfach.php";