308 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
308 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/header.php";
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/navigation.php";
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/css/navi.css";
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/css/baum.css"; ?>
</head> <?php
function fill_box($pers, $left, $top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but) {
if (!empty($pers)) {
$alter = 0;
$id = $pers->member_id;
if ($pers->gender == 1){ $gen = "m";$img ="male.jpg";} else{ $gen="f";$img ="female.jpg";}
if ($pers->member_img != "") { $img = $pers->member_img;}?>
<div class="<?php if ($bol_mem == true) {echo "mfambox_small";} else{echo "fambox_small";}?>"
style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;">
<td style="padding-left:5px">
<a href="familienblatt?id=<?php echo $id;?>" title="Familienblatt">
<span class="info"> <!-- hover vergrößert Bild-->
<img src="../../photos/<?php echo $img;?>" border="0" alt="" width="40" height="52" />
<td><a href='familientafel?<?php
if ($bol_fam == true){echo "fam_id";}else{echo "id";}?>=<?php echo $id?>'
title='<?php if ($bol_fam == true){echo "als Elternteil anzeigen";}else{echo "als Familie anzeigen";}?>'>
<img src='../../img/<?php echo $gen?>.jpg' width="11" height="11" border="0" alt="" style="vertical-align: 0px;"/>
<?php echo $pers->first_name." ".$pers->last_name;?></a><br />
<?php echo periode($pers)." ".alter($pers). "J.";?>
if (($but==2) AND (!$bol_fam)) { ?>
<div class="b"><?php
if (($but==1) AND (!$bol_fam)) { ?>
<div class="c"><?php
} ?>
<div class="d">
<a href='familientafel?fam_id=<?php echo $id;?>'>
<img src="../../img/admArrowUp.gif" width="13" height="13" border="0" alt="" title="Als eue Familie" ></a>
function zeichne($was, $l, $t){ // zeichnet line?>
<div class="<?php echo $was?>" style='left:<?php echo $l;?>px;top:<?php echo $t;?>px;'></div><?php
function zeichne_1($was, $l, $t, $h1){ // zeichnet rect?>
<div class="<?php echo $was?>" style='left:<?php echo $l;?>px;top:<?php echo $t;?>px;
height:<?php echo $h1;?>px;'></div><?php
function zeichne_2($was, $l, $t, $text){ // zeichnet rect with text?>
<div class="<?php echo $was?>" style='left:<?php echo $l;?>px;top:<?php echo $t;?>px;'><?php
echo $text; ?>
// ****************************** end functions *********************************
global $ladezeit;
// Konstanten zur Festlegung der Boxes
$box_hight = 56; // hight of a box
$box_width = 190; // width of a box
$delta_top = 67; // vertical from box to box
$top = 85;
$left = 200;
$t_footer = 800;
$top_max = 200;
$gff_left = $left; $gff_top = $top + 20; // grandfather of father
$gmf_left = $left + 222; $gmf_top = $top + 20; // grandmother of father +212
$gfm_left = $left + 520; $gfm_top = $top + 20; // grandfather of father +298=212+86
$gmm_left = $left + 742; $gmm_top = $top + 20; // grandmother of father +212
$f_left = $left + 106; $f_top = $top + 126; // father
$c_left = $left + 356; $c_top = $top + 182; // Child +260
$m_left = $left + 626; $m_top = $top + 126; // mother +260
$left_bg_l = $left + 96; // linker background
$left_bg_r = $left + 616; // rechter background
$left_r = $left + 462; // rechte Boxes
$left_fname = $left + 340; // linke Seite Name
$top_rect = $top + 76; //
$top_line_h = $top + 101; // horizontrale Linie Eltern
$top_famname = $top + 105;
$top_sibs = $top + 116 + 70 + 15;
$top_p = $top_boxes = $top + 154; // top der boxes left and right
$bol_fam = false; // link to Parents ($fam_id) or to member ($id)
$bol_mem = false; // highlight the box
$but = 0; // no triangle-button
$but_m = 1; // triangle-button male-siblings viewable
$but_f = 2; // triangle-button female-siblings viewable
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div style='margin-left:20px;margin-top:0px;'><?php
$l = $left_fname;
$t = 60; // position des Auswahl-Button
// spezieller Part: ohne ausgewählte Person kein $_GET
if (empty($person->member_id)){ ?>
<form action="<?php echo "familientafel?id=2";?>"><?php
} else { ?>
<form action="<?php echo "familientafel?id=".$person->member_id;?>"><?php
<div style="position:absolute;width:240px;left:<?php echo $l;?>px;top:<?php echo $t;?>px;height:30px;">
<select name="id" onchange="submit()" style="bg-color:lightyellow;">
<option value="null"><?php
foreach ($persons as $pers) { // Auswahl anzeigen
if ($pers->member_id == $_SESSION['id']) { ?>">
<option selected value="<?php echo $pers->member_id;?>"><?php
} else { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $pers->member_id;?>"><?php
echo jahr($pers->day_of_birth).": ".$pers->last_name.", ".$pers->first_name;?>
} ?>
<div class="box" style='left:310px; width:200px;'>
<strong><?php echo "Kind als Ausgangspunkt:</strong>"; ?>
if (!empty($mother)){ // nur wenn Mutter #0, kann es Kinder geben?>
<div class="box" style='left:555px; width:200px; top:160px;'>
<strong><?php echo "Ausgangspunkt</strong>"; ?>
} ?>
<!-- ********** Hinweise zur Website **************-->
<div class="box" style='left:0px; width:250px; top:110px;'>
<strong><font color=blue>Hinweise zu dieser Webseite <br></font></strong>
<li>Neue Person kann im Seitenkopf<br><span style="background-color:lightyellow;
border:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:lightgrey;">
Dropdown-Liste </span>ausgewählt werden;<br>
Kind wird zum <strong>Ausgangspunkt</strong></li> <br>
<li>Ein Click auf den <span style="color:blue;"> Namen</span> einer Person,
erzeugt einen neuen Ausgangspunkt:
<li><strong>Kind (Mitte)</strong> wird zum Elternteil<br></li>
<li><strong>Andere Personen (Vater oder Mutter) </strong> werden zu Kindern<br></li>
<li>Click auf <b><img src="../../img/admArrowUp.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="" ></b>
Zeichen, die entsprechende Familie mit Kindern </br>wird angezeigt.</li><br>
<li>Click auf das <strong>Bild</strong> einer Person,
<br>ruft sein Familienblatt auf
// ******** display grand parents paternal *********************
if (!empty($gffather)) {
fill_box($gffather,$gff_left,$gff_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
$was = 'rect_1';
$l = $left_bg_l;
$t = $top_rect; //$top_rect;
zeichne($was, $l, $t);
$was = 'line_h';
$l = $left + 212;
$t = $top_line_h; //$top + 101;
zeichne($was, $l, $t);
if (!empty($gmfather)) {
fill_box($gmfather,$gmf_left,$gmf_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
// ********* display grand parents maternal ******************
if (!empty($gfmother)) {
fill_box($gfmother,$gfm_left,$gfm_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
$was = 'rect_1';
$l = $left_bg_r; //$left + 625;
$t = $top_rect; //$top_rect;
zeichne($was, $l, $t);
$was = 'line_h';
$l = $left + 731.5;
$t = $top_line_h; //$top + 101;
zeichne($was, $l, $t);
if (!empty($gmmother)) {
fill_box($gmmother,$gmm_left,$gmm_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
// display father
$bol_mem = true; // member = father or mother
if (!empty($father)) {
fill_box($father, $f_left, $f_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
// dispaly mother
if (!empty($mother)) {
fill_box($mother, $m_left, $m_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
$bol_mem = false; // background color
// waagerechte Verbindungslinie zwischen Eltern (links)
if (!empty($mother)) { // wenn vorhanden; Mutter nicht ohne Vater!
$was = 'line_v2';
$l = $left + 302;
$t = $top_p;
zeichne($was, $l, $t); //nach links
$was = 'line_v2';
$l = $left_r;
$t = $top_p;
zeichne($was, $l, $t); // nach rechts
if (!empty($siblings_f)) { // display siblings of father
$f_top = $f_top + 15;
foreach ($siblings_f as $sib):
$but = 2; // female triangle-button next to the box
$f_left = $f_left;
$f_top = $f_top + $delta_top; // next
fill_box($sib,$f_left, $f_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
$but = 0; // no triangle-button
$anz = count($siblings_f) + 0; // +1 (Vater mit einschließen)
$h1 = ($delta_top * $anz) + 9; // hight of background
$was = 'fambackground';
$l = $left_bg_l;
$t = $top_sibs;
zeichne_1($was, $l, $t, $h1);
if ($t_footer <= $h1) { $t_footer = $h1;} // höhe des footers
if (!empty($siblings_m)) { // display siblings of mother
$m_top = $m_top + 15;
foreach ($siblings_m as $sib):
$but = 1; // male triangle-button
$m_left = $m_left;
$m_top = $m_top + $delta_top; // next Child die();
fill_box($sib,$m_left,$m_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
$but = 0;
$anz = count($siblings_m) + 0; // +1 wegen Vater
$h2 = ($delta_top * $anz) + 9; + 9;
$was = 'fambackground';
$l = $left_bg_r; //$left + 626;
$t = $top_sibs; //
zeichne_1($was, $l, $t, $h2);
if ($t_footer <= $h2) { $t_footer = $h2;} // höhe des footers
// display name of family (nur wenn es eine Mutter gibt!)
if (!empty($mother)) {
$text = "<center><b>Fam. ".$father->first_name." ".$father->last_name."</center></b>";
} else {
$text = "<center><b>Keine Auswahl möglich!</b></center> ";}
$was = 'famname';
$l = $left_fname;
$t = $top_famname;
zeichne_2($was, $l, $t, $text); // es wir $text ausgegeben
// display person
$bol_fam = true;
if (!empty($person)) { //echo "Person not empty";
$was = 'line_h';
$l = $left_r; //$left + 472; // left_r
$t = $top_boxes; //top_line
zeichne($was, $l, $t);
$bol_mem = true;
fill_box($person,$c_left,$c_top,$bol_mem,$bol_fam, $but);
$bol_mem = false;
$c_top = $c_top + $delta_top; // next box below
if (!empty($siblings)) { // display children (siblings of $person)
// kleine Sekrechte zu Kinder
$was = 'line_h';
$l = $left_r; //$left + 472;
$t = $top_boxes; //$top + 154; //top_boxes
zeichne($was, $l, $t);
$l = $left_r; //Mitte Seite = $left + 472;
$t = $top_boxes; //$top + 154; //top_line
$anz = count($siblings);
$bol_mem = true;
foreach ($siblings as $sib){
fill_box($sib,$c_left,$c_top, $bol_mem, $bol_fam, $but);
$c_top = $c_top + $delta_top; // next box below
$bol_mem = false;
$anz = count($siblings) + 0; // +1 wegen Vater
$h1 = (($delta_top * $anz) + 9);
if ($t_footer <= $h1) { $t_footer = $h1;} // höhe des footers
} ?>
if ($f_top <= $m_top){ $t_footer = $m_top;} else {$t_footer = $f_top;}
if ($t_footer <= $c_top){ $t_footer = $c_top;}
$hint_1 = $t_footer + $delta_top + 20;
$t_footer = $hint_1 + 20 ?>
if ($t_footer <= 780){$t_footer = 780;} // minimale Höhe
include __DIR__ . "/../js/hochschieben.js"; // Navigation nach oben schieben
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/footer_e.php"; ?>