269 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
269 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/header.php";
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/navigation.php";
include __DIR__ . "/../inc/const.php"; // Konstanten
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/css/navi.css";
include __DIR__ . "./../inc/function_display.inc.php";
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/css/default.css";?>
</style> <!-- Script to print the content of a div -->
function printDiv() {
var divContents = document.getElementById("Druck").innerHTML;
var a = window.open('', '', 'height=500, width=800');
a.document.write('<body style="margin-left:30px"><h4>Famielienblatt von:</h4>');
$font_size = "small";
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE'))
$font_size = "x-small";
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera'))
$font_size = "small";
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mac'))
$font_size = "medium";
<body style="font-size:<?php echo $font_size;?>"><?php
global $nbm, $nbf, $nbu, $tr0, $tr1, $tr2, $ladezeit, $link,
$link = "familienblatt?id=";
$link_new = "";
$link_edit_pers = "";
$link_edit_part = "";
$link_insert = "";
$str_login = "Sie sind nicht eingelogt";
if (isset($_SESSION['rechte'])){
$str_login = "Sie sind eingelogt als 'user'";
if ($_SESSION['rechte'] == "admin"){
$link_new = "update?who=01&action=02"; // neue Person
$link_edit_pers = "update?who=1&action=01"; // edit Person
$link_edit_part = "update?who=2&action=01&id="; // edit Partner-Daten
$link_insert = "update?who=2&action=02"; // neuer Partner
$str_login = "Sie sind eingelogt als 'admin'";
function line_up($input,$id,$bol) { //Darstellung in einer Zeile
global $link, $link_edit_part;
if (isset($input[0]->member_id)) {
foreach ($input as $row) {?>
<div class="child"><?php
$gender = $row->gender;
if ($row->gender == 01) { $gen="m";} else {$gen="f";}
if ($row->birth_name != ""){$n_name = $row->birth_name;}else{$n_name = "";}
//echo $row->last_name." - ".$row->birth_name." - ".$n_name;
if ($row->member_id != $id) {?>
<img border='0' src='./../../img/<?php echo $gen;?>.jpg' alt='sex' height='14' />
<a href="<?php echo $link.$row->member_id?>"><?php
echo $row->first_name." ".$row->last_name."</a> ";
if ($row->birth_name != ""){echo "(".$row->birth_name.")";}
echo " * "
.date_german($row->day_of_birth). " in ".$row->place_of_birth. " ";
if ($row->day_of_death >= 1){
echo " † ".date_german($row->day_of_death)
." in ".$row->place_of_death;
if ($_SESSION['rechte'] == "admin"){ // Editieren nur für admin?>
<div id="options">
<a href="<?php echo $link_edit_part.$row->member_id?>">edit</a>
if ($bol == true){ // Heiratsdaten anzeigen, editieren zulassen
echo "</br><strong>∞</strong> am: "
.date_german($row->par_von) ." in "
.$row->par_ort ." ";
if ($row->par_devorce >= 1) {
echo " ⚮ geschieden am: ".$row->par_devorce;}
} // end foreach
} else {
echo "</br>Keine Personen erfasst!";
} // End function?>
<!-- ********************** main ***********************************************-->
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 ">
<div id="useroptions"><?php
$str_label = "Bitte Person wählen: "; //$id = $person->member_id;
select_person($str_label, $person, $persons); ?>
<div class="col-sm-5 ">
<div id="useroptions">
if (isset($_SESSION['rechte'])){ // admin rechte
if ($_SESSION['rechte'] == "admin") {?>
<li><a href="<?php echo $link_new;?>" title="nur für admin!">Neue Person erfassen</a></li><?php
} ?>
<li> <?php echo $str_login;?></li>
<div class="col-sm-3 ">
<div id="options">
<strong>Aktueller Stand:</strong></br>
<p style="background-color:lightyellow;"><?php
echo count ($persons)." Pers. (".
"<img src='../../img/m.jpg'>".$nbm.", ".
"<img src='../../img/f.jpg'>".$nbf.", ".
"<img src='../../img/g.jpg'>".$nbu ;?>
<!-- ***************************************************************************-->
<!-- ************************* Menue *******************************************-->
<div id="options">
<input type="button" value=" drucken " onClick="javascript:printDiv()">
<!--********************************** Person **********************************-->
<div id="Druck"> <!-- Beginn des Druckbereichs -->
<div id="name">
<h2 class="text-center"><strong><?php
if ($person->gender == 01) { $gen="m";} else { $gen="f";}?>
<img border='0' src='./../../img/<?php echo $gen;?>.jpg' alt='M' height='20' /><?php
echo $person->first_name." ".$person->last_name;
if ($person->birth_name <> "") {
echo ", geb. ".$person->birth_name;}?></strong><?php echo " - ID:".$person->member_id;?></h2>
<div id="bd">
<div class="birth"><?php
echo "geboren am ".date_ged($person->day_of_birth)." in ".$person->place_of_birth;?>
<div class="death"><?php
if ($person->day_of_death != 0) {
echo "gestorben am ".date_ged($person->day_of_death)." in ".$person->place_of_death;}?>
<!--********************************* Eltern ***********************************-->
<div class="children"><strong>Eltern von <?php echo $person->first_name;?></strong><?php
$id = $person->member_id;
$parents = array();
$bol = false; // keine Hochzeitsdaten
line_up($parents, $id, $bol); ?>
<!--******************************** Kinder ************************************-->
<div id="children"><strong>Kinder von <?php echo $person->first_name;?></strong><?php
$id = $person->member_id;
$bol = false; // keine Hochzeitsdaten
line_up($children, $id, $bol); ?>
<!--****************************** Geschwister *******************************-->
<div id="siblings"><strong>Geschwister von <?php echo $person->first_name;?></strong><?php
$id = $person->member_id;
$bol = false; // keine Hochzeitsdaten anzeigen
line_up($siblings, $id, $bol); ?>
<div id="siblings"><strong>Ehe(partner) von <?php echo $person->first_name;?></strong><?php
$id = $person->member_id;
$bol = true; // keine Hochzeitsdaten
line_up($partner, $id, $bol); ?>
</div> <!-- Ende des Druckbereichs -->
<!--******************************** Ehepartner ********************************-->
<!-- ************************ Ende Kopfzeile ***********************************-->
<!-- div id="GFG" style="background-color: green;" -->
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="well well-sm">
<table style="width:100%;">
<tr style="font-weight:bold; background-color:lightgrey;">
<td>ID </td><td>Datum</td><td>Ereignis</td>
if (count($ereignisse) != 0) {
foreach ($ereignisse as $issue) {
echo $tr0."<td>"
.$issue->issue_id ." </td><td> "
.$issue->issue_date ." </td><td> "
.$issue->issue ."</td></tr>";
} else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="3" style="background-color:lightcyan;">keine Ereignisse eingetragen!</td></tr><?php
} ?>
<!-- **************************** Rechte Seite *********************************-->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="well well-sm">
<table style="width: 100%;">
<tr style="font-weight:bold; background-color:lightgrey;">
<td>bis </td><td>PLZ </td><td>Ort </td><td>Strasse</td></tr><?php
if (count($wohnorte) != 0) {
foreach ($wohnorte as $ort) {
echo $tr0."<td>";
$bis = $ort->ort_bis;
if ($bis==0) {$bis = "heute"; }
echo $bis." </td><td>"
.$ort->adr_plz ." </td><td>"
.$ort->adr_ort ." </td><td>"
.$ort->adr_strasse ."</td></tr>";
} else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="4" style="background-color:lightcyan;">keine Wohnorte eingetragen!</td></tr><?php
} ?>
<div class="col-sm-12 "><?php
if (isset($_SESSION['rechte'])){ // admin rechte
if ($_SESSION['rechte'] == "admin") {?>
<div class="well well-sm">
<table style="width: 100%;">
<tr style="font-weight: bold; background-color:lightgrey;">
<td>ID </td><td>Datum </td><td>Bemerkung</td>
if (count($bemerkungen) != 0) {
foreach ($bemerkungen as $bem) {
echo $tr0."<td>"
.$bem->rem_id ." </td><td> "
.$bem->rem_date ." </td><td> "
.$bem->rem_remark ."</td></tr>";
} else { ?>
<tr><td colspan="3" style="background-color:lightcyan;">keine Bemerkung eingetragen!</td></tr><?php
} ?>
} ?>
include __DIR__ . "/../js/hochschieben.js"; // Navigation nach oben schieben
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/footer_e.php";