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2025-01-15 19:59:49 +01:00
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/header.php";
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/navigation.php";
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/css/navi.css";
include __DIR__ . "./../layout/css/baum.css"; ?>
global $anz_gen, $partner; $ladezeit;
$root_fam = array(); // Stammbaum alle (nur männliche Familien)
<div class="container-fluid"><?php
// Anzeige gemäß Anzahl generationen - möglich sind 3, 4 oder 5 (alle)
if ($anz_gen == 5) { // alle Stammväter mit parent_id = NULL?>
<td style="width:50px;"></td><?php
$last_name = array(); // leeres array für Stammväter
$last_name = ['alle']; // erster Eintrag
$array_stamm = $array_stamm['id'] = $array_stamm['name'] = array();
$array_stamm['id'][0] = 0;
$array_stamm['name'][0] = 'alle';
$i = 0;
foreach ($roots as $row) { // Jede Person mit parent = NULL (Stammvater)
$last_name[] = $row->last_name; // in array $last_name eintragen
$array_stamm->id[$i] = $row->member_id;
$array_stamm->name[$i] = $row->last_name;
$len = count($array_stamm->id); // anzahl stammväter?>
<form name="stammvater" action="baum" method="get">
$i = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
echo "&emsp;".$array_stamm->name[$i]." ";?>
<input type="radio" name="baum" value="<?php echo $array_stamm->id[$i]; ?>" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($array_stamm->id[$i] == $baum) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?> /><?php
} ?>
<form action="<?php echo "?id=".$person->member_id; ?>">
<select name="baum" onchange="submit()" style="background-color:lightyellow;">
<option value="null">Stammvater wählen<?php
foreach ($person_man as $pers) {
if ($pers->member_id == $_SESSION['baum']) { ?>">
<option selected value=" <?php echo $pers->member_id; ?>" > <?php
} else { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $pers->member_id;?>"> <?php
echo $pers->last_name." ".$pers->first_name;?>
} ?>
<td><strong>&nbsp;(Kinder nur bei männlichen Nachfahren)&nbsp; </strong></td>
<!-- Checkbox zur Wahl der Anzahl Generationen -->
<td style="width:30px;"> </td>
<form name="Generationen" action="baum" method="get">
<strong>Anzahl Generationen:</strong>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong> 3 </strong>
<input type="radio" name="anz" value="3" onchange="submit()"<?php
if ($anz_gen == 3) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong> 4 </strong>
<input type="radio" name="anz" value="4" onchange="submit()"<?php
if ($anz_gen == 4) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong> alle </strong>
<input type="radio" name="anz" value="5" onchange="submit()"<?php
if ($anz_gen == 5) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
</div> <?php
} // Ende für Generation (>= 5; alle)
//****************************** Baum mit allen Namen (root) *******************
//****************************** Anzahl = 5 ************************************
if ($anz_gen >= 5) { ?>
ul { list-style-type: disc; color: red; font-size:16px; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px; }
/* ol { list-style-type: upper-roman; font-weight: bold; }
ol > li:first-child { color: blue; }
ol > li:nth-child(2) { color: maroon; }
ol > li:nth-child(3) { color: olive; }
dl { font-size: 0.7em ; font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; }
<script type="text/javascript">
mainmenuid: "smoothmenu1", //menu DIV id
orientation: 'h', //Horizontal or vertical menu: Set to "h" or "v"
classname: 'ddsmoothmenu', //class added to menu's outer DIV
customtheme: ["#1c5a80", "#482400"],
contentsource: "markup" //"markup" or ["container_id", "path_to_menu_file"]
function submenu_h($persons, $member_id) {
foreach ($persons as $pers) {
if (($pers->father_id == $member_id)) {
$root_fam[] = $pers; // Familienmitglied
if (count($root_fam >= 0)) { ?>
foreach ($root_fam as $row_2){
$day = jahr($row_2->day_of_birth); ?>
<a href="familienblatt?id=<?php echo $row_2->member_id; ?>"><?php
echo $day.": ".$row_2->first_name ?></a><?php
{ ?>
</li> <?php
} // End submenu_h
<div id="smoothmenu1" class="ddsmoothmenu">
$first = true;
foreach ($root as $row) {
$day = jahr($row_2->day_of_birth);
if ($first == true) { ?>
<a href="familienblatt?id=<?php echo $row->member_id; ?>"><?php
echo $day.": ".$row->first_name." ".$row->last_name?></a><?php
} else { ?>
<a href="familienblatt?id=<?php echo $row->member_id; ?>"><?php
echo $row->first_name."-".$day ?></a><?php
if(submenu_h($persons,$row->member_id)=="") {
?></li> <hr><?php
} ?>
<br style="clear: left" />
} else { // Ende anzahl generationen 5 - jetzt 3 oder 4 ?>
<!-- ***************************** Anzahl Generationen <5 **********************-->
function fill($pers, $gen, $p) { // fill tho boxes
global $anz_gen, $partner, $ladezeit; // Anzahl der Generationen pro Blatt
if (!empty($pers)) {
$id = $pers->member_id;
if ($pers->gender == 1){$gen = "m";$img ="male.jpg";} else{$gen="f";$img ="female.jpg";}
$birth = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $pers->day_of_birth);
$death = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $pers->day_of_death);
if ($pers->member_img != "") { $img = $pers->member_img;}
$alter = alter($pers);
if ($death->format('Y') >= 2) {
$alter = alter($pers);
$period = "<b>* </b>".$birth->format('Y')."<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; † </b>".$death->format('Y')."";
} else {
$period = "<b>* </b>".$birth->format('Y')." &nbsp;" ;
#$period = $period."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (".alter($pers)." Jahre)";
$period = $period."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(".$alter ." Jahre)";
// ************************* 4 Generationen anzeigen ***************************
if ($anz_gen == 4 ) {?>
<div class="box">
<tr style="width:100%;">
<td colspan=3 style='text-align:left; '><?php
echo "ID ".$pers->member_id." <b><img src='../../img/".$gen.".jpg'>";
echo "<a href='baum?anz=4&id=".$pers->member_id."'>"." "
.$pers->first_name." ".$pers->last_name."</a></b>";?>
<!-- ************************ hover *****************************************-->
<td style="padding-left:2px; text-align:left; width:20%;" >
<a href="familienblatt?id=<?php echo $id;?>" title="Familienblatt">
<img src="../../photos/<?php echo $img;?>" border="0" alt="Bild" width="44" height="55" /></a>
<td class="hover" id="<?php echo "mehr_".$p;?>" style='text-align:left; width:100px;'><?php
if ($pers->birth_name != "") {
echo "geb. ".$pers->birth_name."</br> ";
} else { echo "&nbsp;</br>";}
if ($anz_gen == 4) { echo $period;} ?>
<table class="mask"> <!-- zusätzlicher Block zeigt bei mouseover diese Details-->
<td colspan="3" id="<?php echo "popup_".$p;?>">
<?php echo "<strong>* </strong>".date_german($pers->day_of_birth)."
in ".$pers->place_of_birth."</br>";
if ($pers->day_of_death != "0000-00-00") {
echo "<strong>† </strong>".date_german($pers->day_of_death)."
in ".$pers->place_of_death."</br>";
} else {
// ****************** Anzeige 4 Generationen Ende ******************************
// ****************** Anzeige 3 Generationen Begin ***************************** ?>
<td colspan='2'><?php
echo "<b><img src='../../img/".$gen.".jpg'>";
echo "<a href='baum?anz=4&id=".$pers->member_id."'>"." "
.$pers->first_name." ".$pers->last_name."</a></b>
<td colspan='2'>";
if ($pers->birth_name != "") {
echo "<p>geb. ".$pers->birth_name."</p>";} else {echo "<p> - </p>";
echo "<p><b>* </b>".$pers->day_of_birth." in ".$pers->place_of_birth."</br>";
if ($pers->day_of_death != 0) {
echo "<b>† </b>".$pers->day_of_death." in ".$pers->place_of_death."</p>";
} else { echo "<b> † </b> - "; }?>
// ************************ Ende Anzeige 3 Generationen ************************
// ************************ keine Daten eingetragen ****************************
} else { // emty $pers?>
<td colspan='2'><?php
echo "<b><img src='../../img/'u.jpg'>";
echo "<b>no data</b>";?>
} // ende function fill for generationen alle (5)
//***************************** End functions ******************************** ?>
<!-- ********************** Kopfzeilen *****************************************-->
<div class="container-fluid">
<td><h1><?php echo $person->first_name." ".$person->last_name;?>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Partner: </b> <?php
foreach ($partner as $part): ?>
<a href="baum?anz=4&id=<?php echo $part->member_id; ?>">
<?php echo $part->first_name." ".$part->last_name." | "; ?></a><?php
<td style="width:30px;"> </td>
<form action="<?php echo "?id=".$person->member_id; ?>">
<select name="id" onchange="submit()" style="background-color:lightyellow;">
<option value="null">Andere Person wählen<?php
foreach ($persons as $pers) { ?><?php
if ($pers->member_id == $_SESSION['id']) { ?>">
<option selected value=" <?php echo $pers->member_id; ?>" > <?php
} else { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $pers->member_id;?>"> <?php
echo $pers->last_name.", ".$pers->first_name;?>
} ?>
<!-- Checkbox zur Wahl der Anzahl Generationen -->
<td style="width:30px;"> </td>
<form name="Generationen" action="baum" method="get">
<strong>Anzahl Generationen &nbsp;3 </strong><input type="radio" name="anz" value="3" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($anz_gen == 3) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong> 4 </strong><input type="radio" name="anz" value="4" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($anz_gen == 4) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong> alle </strong><input type="radio" name="anz" value="5" onchange="submit()"
<?php if ($anz_gen == 5) { echo "checked=checked"; } ?>/>
<p><b>Kinder: </b><?php
foreach ($children as $child): ?>
<a href="baum?anz=4&id=<?php echo $child->member_id; ?>">
<?php echo $child->first_name." ".$child->last_name." | "; ?></a><?php
<p><b>Geschwister: </b><?php
foreach ($siblings as $sibling): ?>
<a href="baum?id=<?php echo $sibling->member_id; ?>">
<?php echo $sibling->first_name." ".$sibling->last_name." | "; ?></a><?php
if ($anz_gen == 4 ){?>
<p><strong><font color=blue>Hinweise zu dieser Webseite <br></font></strong></p>
<li><b>Neuer Stammbaum:</b> Click auf den Namen der jeweiligen Person</li>
<li><b>zum Familienblatt:</b> Click auf das Bild der jeweiligen Person</li>
<li><b>Geburtsdaten:</b> Maus over Jahr zeigt das Datum</li>
} ?>
</div> <?php
//*************************** Ende Überschriften ********************************-->
$boxheight = 70; // in css fambox
$boxwidth = 255; // Weite der Box
$gap = 30; // Abstand zwischen Boxen
$distance_h = 80; // Abstands-Höhe der Box
$distance_w = $boxwidth + $gap; // Weite zur nächsten Box
$len_hor = $gap/2; // Länge horizentale Verbindung
$top_0 = 170; // 1. Box von oben
$left_0 = 55; // 1. Box von Links
$left = $left_0; // Variable für linke Position
$left = $left + $distance_w; // neue Position für Box links
$left1 = $left - $len_hor; // neue Position für Verbingung zur Box rechtss
$left10 = $left1 - $len_hor; // neue Position für Verbingung zur Box links
$left2 = $left1 + $distance_w;
$left20 = $left2 - $len_hor;
$left3 = $left2 + $distance_w;
$left30 = $left3 - $len_hor;
$t1 = $top_0 + 2*$distance_h;
$t11 = $top_0 + 4*$distance_h;
$t2 = $top_0 + $distance_h;
$t21 = $top_0 + $distance_h; // aktuelle Höhe
$t3 = $top_0 + $distance_h/2;
//************************** 4 Generationen anzeigen ****************************-->?>
if ($anz_gen == 4 ){ ?>
<div class="container-fluid">
// senkrechte Linien: man to woman
<div class="line_h1" style="top:<?php echo $t1;?>px;left:<?php echo $left1;?>px;"></div><?php
$t20 = $t2;
for ($i=0; $i < 2; $i++) {?>
<div class="line_h2" style="top:<?php echo $t20;?>px;left:<?php echo $left2;?>px;"></div><?php
$t20 = $t20 + 4*$distance_h;
$t30 = $t3;
for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {?>
<div class="line_h3" style="top:<?php echo $t30;?>px;left:<?php echo $left3;?>px;"></div><?php
$t30 = $t30 + 2*$distance_h;
// Waagerechte Verbindungen nach rechts (to next Generation)
$t10 = $t1;
for ($i=0; $i < 2; $i++) {?>
<div class="line_v1" style="top:<?php echo $t10;?>px;left:<?php echo $left1;?>px;"></div><?php
$t10 = $t10 + 4*$distance_h;
} ?>
<!-- 1 waagerechter nach links-->
<div class="line_v1" style="top:<?php echo $t11;?>px;left:<?php echo $left10;?>px;"></div>
<!-- Verbindungen zur Generation 2 -> 4 waagerechte nach rechts--><?php
$left21 = $left2;
for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {?>
<div class="line_v1" style="top:<?php echo $t21;?>px;left:<?php echo $left21;?>px;"></div><?php
$t21 = $t21 + 2*$distance_h;
} ?>
<!-- 2 waagerechte nach links --><?php
$t10 = $t1;
for ($i=0; $i < 2; $i++) {?>
<div class="line_v1" style="top:<?php echo $t10;?>px;left:<?php echo $left20;?>px;"></div><?php
$t10 = $t10 + 4*$distance_h;
} ?>
<!-- Verbindungen zur Generation 3 *** 4 waagerechte nach links --><?php
$t21 = $t2;
for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {?>
<div class="line_v1" style="top:<?php echo $t21;?>px;left:<?php echo $left30;?>px;"></div><?php
$t21 = $t21 + 2*$distance_h;
} ?>
<!-- 8 waagerechte nach rechts-->
$t31 = $t3;
$left31 = $left3;
for ($i=0; $i < 8; $i++) {?>
<div class="line_v1" style="top:<?php echo $t31;?>px;left:<?php echo $left31;?>px;"></div><?php
$t31 = $t31 + $distance_h;
// *********************** first box ****************************
$p=0; // Person
$top = $top_0 + 4*$distance_h - $distance_h/2;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left_0;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
if ($person->gender == 1) {$g = "m";} else {$g = "f";}
$top = $top_0 + 125;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "m";
$top = $top + 4* $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "f";
$top = $top_0 + $distance_h/2;
$left = $left + $distance_w;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "m";
$top = $top + 2*$distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "f";
$top = $top + 2*$distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "m";
$top = $top + 2*$distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "f";
$top = $top_0;
$left = $left + $distance_w;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "m";
$top = $top + $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "f";
$top = $top + $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "m";
$top = $top + $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "f";
$top = $top + $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "m";
$top = $top + $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "f";
$top = $top + $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "m";
$top = $top + $distance_h;?>
<div class= "fambox" style="left:<?php echo $left;?>px;top:<?php echo $top;?>px;"><?php
$g = "f";
$top = $top + $distance_h;
$left = $left_0;?>
<!-- Ende div container --><?php
$t_footer = $top;
//********************** Ende 4 Generationen anzeigen ***************************-->?>
<!--**************************footer ***************************************************-->
//************************** 3 Generationen anzeigen ****************************-->
if ($anz_gen <= 3) { ?>
<div class="container">
<table border='0'>
$p = 0;
$tr_gpar = "<td width='120'><center><div class='gparents'>";
$td_div = "</div></td>";
echo $tr_gpar; // </td></div> wird in fill gestzt
$g = "m";
echo $td_div;
echo $tr_gpar;
$g = "f";
echo $td_div; ?>
echo $tr_gpar;
$g = "m";
echo $td_div;
echo $tr_gpar;
$g = "f";
echo $td_div; ?>
<tr><td colspan='5'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<!-- line parents -->
<tr><?php $trpar = "<td colspan='2'><center><div class='parents'>";
$g = "m";
echo $trpar;
echo $td_div; ?>
$g = "f";
echo $trpar;
echo $td_div; ?>
<tr><td colspan='5'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<!-- line main person -->
<tr><?php $trper = "<td colspan='5'><center><div class='person'>";
echo $trper;
if ($person->gender == 1) {$g = "m";} else {$g = "f";}
echo $td_div; ?>
<tr><td colspan='5'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
</div> <?php
} // ende Generation<5
include __DIR__ . "/../js/hochschieben.js"; // Navigation nach oben schieben
include __DIR__ . "/../layout/footer_e.php";